Steam Locomotives: a forgotten era

  • J.A. Hattingh SADF
Keywords: Class 68 locomotIve No 537, Fort Klapperkop museum, Number 498, Neilson, Reid and Co., Central Government Railways (CGR)


Steam built the Republic as we know it but unfortunately it is on its way out. These graceful Old Ladies are being cut up and at this stage there are approximately seven hundred locomotives still operating in the Republic of South Africa. Fortunately there are a number of Preservation Societies throughout the country that are trying to preserve a forgotten era. The reason for this article is firstly to draw attention to the historical aspect of the Old Locomotives and the role that they played and to the casual questions that are asked by the visitors to Fort Klapperkop Museum.


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How to Cite
Hattingh, J. (2012). Steam Locomotives: a forgotten era. Scientia Militaria - South African Journal of Military Studies, 16(4).