The MiG Diaries

The MiG Diaries is an updated account of some of the aerial warfare encounters of the Angolan conflict between 1976 and 1988. The aim of The MiG Diaries is to eradicate misconceptions and uncertainties related to the air war component of the Angolan conflict. In South Africa, most of these accounts are well-known and have been discussed and written about for many years. However, these accounts have been marred by one significant limitation—the stories were told mainly based on South African Air Force (SAAF) aircrew reports. Lionel Reid, a former SAAF pilot involved in the Angolan conflict, and Lt Col Eduardo Gonzáles Sarría, a Cuban pilot who flew MiG-21s and MiG-23s in Angola, have managed to fill a 40-year-old void. The authors have addressed uncertainties that have been lingering for a very long time in the minds of those involved on both the SAAF and the Cuban/Angolan sides. The MiG Diaries is written by two pilots who were intimately involved in the conflict and is brought to life by a selection of pencil sketches by Sean Thackwray, a former SAAF fighter pilot.



Lionel Reid (Co-Author) developed a fascination with military aviation at a young age. Having joined the SAAF in 1983, he participated in the Angolan conflict from 1986 to 1989, flying Bosbok light reconnaissance aircraft and Puma helicopters. This was followed by a career in airline flying. He lives in Johannesburg and has spent six years researching The MiG Diaries.



Eduardo González Sarría (Co-Author) flew MiG-21s and MiG-23s during three tours of duty in Angola, where he completed 78 combat missions and served as a MiG-23 squadron commander. After 26 years in the Cuban Air Force, he retired as a Lieutenant-Colonel with a Maestro pilot rating. He lives in Havana and has written two books in Spanish about his experiences prior to The MiG Diaries.



Hano van Eck (Panel Expert) joined the SAAF in 1996 and completed his flying instructor’s course in 1998. After obtaining a B.Eng. (Mechanical) at Stellenbosch University in 2004, he flew Hawks and Gripens at 85 Combat Flying School and 2 Squadron, respectively. He joined the Military Academy as a lecturer in Military Technology in 2017 and completed his PhD in Mechanical Engineering in 2023. He lives in Vredenburg.



Cobus Toerien (Panel Expert) received his SAAF wings in 1975 and completed his BMil degree at the Military Academy in 1977. He served in the Angolan conflict from 1978 to 1988. During this time, he flew Impalas and Mirage F1CZ aircraft, with 168 combat missions. Afterwards, he flew Cheetah aircraft as the Commanding Officer of 2 Squadron until 1999. A career in airline flying followed until retirement, and to date, he is active in aviation safety and human factor training.


Please click here to watch this online session on YouTube.