Die Suid-Afrikaanse soldaat: 'n historiese profiel

  • E.M. Meyers Militêre Informasieburo, SAW
Keywords: South African soldier's dynamic development over the past 75 years, military traditions, the role of foreign influences, trends in warfare


This article perceives the South African soldier within a historical framework. Although prominence is given to general traits and characteristics in this historical profile, the role of foreign influences, trends in warfare and the environment is also dealt with. The author postulates the notion that the South African soldier's dynamic development over the past 75 years has to a large extent been influenced by the changing nature of warfare. It is concluded that the modern South African soldier is well-trained, highly motivated and adaptable. Although he has a conservative outlook on military traditions, he displays a flexible and innovative approach to matters such as strategy and tactics.


How to Cite
Meyers, E. (2012). Die Suid-Afrikaanse soldaat: ’n historiese profiel. Scientia Militaria - South African Journal of Military Studies, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.5787/14-2-521