Opleiding en opvoedkundige tegnologie: A SYSTEM MODEL FOR TRAINING
'Train 1500 instructors in six weeks? You must be crazy! It can't be done. You will simply be lowering our standards.'
This was the first, instinctive reaction of the staff of the South African Defence Force College for Educational Technology on hearing the request of the Officer Commanding, the School of Infantry at Oudtshoorn that they train his National Service junior leaders as instructors. At first sight the request did seem to be entirely unreasonable, but after some quiet consideration it was seen as a tremendously exciting challenge to educational technology. The gauntlet, which had been thrown down by the School of Infantry, was taken up by the College.
Copyright (c) 2018 R. Eberlein

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Copyright on all published material in Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies rests with the Faculty of Military Science (Military Academy), Stellenbosch University.