CAMP LIFE AND SPORT IN SOUTH AFRICA. Experiences of Kaffitr warfare with the Cape Mounted Rifles.
Onlangs het die Africana Book Society, posbus 1071, Johannesburg, begin met die uitgee van faksimileherdrukke van 'n aantal bekende werke oar verskillende aspekte van ons verlede. As nr 2 in hierdie reeks het vaandrig (later kapt) Thomas John Lucas se bogenoemde werk, nou voorsien van 'n kort, verklarende inleiding deur H. C. Hummel, verskyn.Downloads
Copyright (c) 2018 Jan Ploeger

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Copyright on all published material in Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies rests with the Faculty of Military Science (Military Academy), Stellenbosch University.